This Oxford University Press source of information, Oxford Handbook of
Obstetrics and GynaecologyThird Edition, is developed by MedHand Mobile
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• Provides a wealth of practical advice on diagnosing and managing common conditions, problems and emergencies
• Includes references to up-to-date evidence-based guidelines
• Covers the most up-to-date clinical information in a concise and easy-to-use format
• Packed with high-quality illustrations, including new full-colour photographs
New to this edition
• Updated with new topics on consent for operations, and pre-operative assessment for gynaecological procedures
• New topics on female genital mutilation
• Includes new high-quality images and full colour illustrations
revised for a third edition, the best-selling Oxford Handbook of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology is now better than ever. It includes new
algorithms for patient management, new images and full colour
photographs, and new and expanded topics including female genital
mutilation, consent for operations, and pre-operative assessment.
and reviewed by a team of highly experienced clinicians and academics,
and UK trainees, this handbook is a perfect starting point for
preparation for postgraduate exams. Practical advice is presented with
key evidence-based guidelines, supported by web references, providing
the most up-to-date clinical information as well as the perfect starting
point for preparation for postgraduate exams.
The indispensable,
concise and practical guide to all aspects of obstetric and
gynaecological medical care, diagnosis, and management, this is the must
have resource for all specialist trainees, junior doctors and medical
students, as well as a valuable aide memoir for experienced clinicians.
Readership: Specialist trainees, foundation doctors, medical students, GPs and midwives.
This Oxford Handbook is intended for a UK audience as well as other
areas which follow UK medical practice including Europe, Australia, the
Middle East, India and East Asia.
Authors:Edited by Sally Collins, SabaratnamArulkumaran, Kevin Hayes, Simon Jackson, and Lawrence Impey
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contains a set of medical calculators.
MedHand delivers what you
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well recognized medical guidelines provided by excellent publishers like
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